Crystal Fighters release their highly anticipated second album ‘Cave Rave’ today.
To write the album, the band retreated to the Basque hills that they consider to be their spiritual home, and wrote ‘Cave Rave’ in its entirety during this two-month spell. The album is rich in musical influences - from Hispanic and African dance to Mexican electronic music 3bal alongside folk and psychedelia.
Line of Best Fit award ‘Cave Rave’ 8.5/10 and describe how Crystal Fighters "drag you by the scruff of the neck and force your to grin and boogie. From start to finish, it’s a delirious pleasure." The 405 music blog adds, “Crystal Fighters' sophomore will transport even the most po-faced and dejected Limey to a place of untampered beaches, pulsating carnival sound systems and infinite, day-glo bliss."