Universal Music Publishing Scandinavia today announced the signing of Hannes Jonsson and Tom White.
A name that's fresh in both age and sound is Hannes. Over the last years, the Swede has cemented his sound as a multi-layered piece with alternative R&B at the centre, but tastefully spiced with pop and soul. As Colors put it: "'Summer 3000' is more than just an EP, it is everything, it has everything: the voice, the lyrics, the beats."
The blog Scandinavian Soul were so impressed the first time they discovered Hannes that they made a feature with three of his singles, praising all of them, and the joyful cheers have intensified after the Swede started taking to the stages, not least when he guested a concert by Seinabo Sey (watch the performance below). Along with producer Tom White, Hannes is about to lift his sound to new levels.
Hannes kicks off 2020 with a mini tour:
Feb 27-29th - by:larm, Oslo
April 17th - Oceanen, Gothenburg
April 18th - Mejeriet, Lund
April 24th - Hus 7, Stockholm